Neluhh Roh

Character Profile

Name: Neluhh Roh
Age: 34
Nameday: 7th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon
Race: Roegadyn
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Marital Status: Single
Server: Mateus/Crystal (GMT+1, EU Timezone)

Physical Appearance

Hair: None (Although he has a black beard)
Eyes: Flickering White Embers
Height: 6'3
Build: Tall height, bulky
Distinguishing Marks: Several scars drapping across his face and body, with several burn marks to accompany them as well.
Common Accessories: A set of earrings in the shape of lizard heads


Profession: Enforcer of the Ember Tail Clan of the Amalj'aa
Hobbies: Blacksmithing and Armorsmithing
Languages:Amal'jaan (Native), Eorzean (Basic)
Residence: Sagolii Desert
Birthplace: Ala Ghiri
Fears: The dead


extroverted / introverted / in between (extravertic introvert)
disorganised / organised / in between
close minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / situational
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken/ reserved / in between
leader / follower / in between
empathetic / unemphatic / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / realistic
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
cultured / uncultured / in between
loyal / disloyal / in between
faithful / unfaithful / in between


Neluhh Roh isn't even his true name, and yet, he wears it with pride. Found by the Amalj'aa's Ember Tail Clan as an infant, they took him in and raised him as they would raise any other of their own. When he came of age, and passed their trials, he was declared a full-fledged warrior by their chieftain, Hellutt Zoh, and put to work in bettering the lives of their people. During an excursion, something changed within Neluhh, something that made his fellow Amalj'aa revere him...and curse him. He now seeks a way to find answers about himself, to determine why he was 'gifted' and, perhaps, to gain a better understanding of the star around him.



  • Warrior of the Amalj'aa: For those seeking to learn more of the Amalj'aa and their way of life, Neluhh Roh often patrols the Sagolii Desert to help travellers cross it's harsh dunes unscathed. Perhaps you may run into him, or into one of his fellow warriors;

  • Hellfire! Dark Fire!: Neluhh Roh's aether signature is one filled and heavily aspected towards fire. How this is possible without his mind succumbing to tempering is up to question, but those keen with aethersight are able to hone in on this particular detail...And, perhaps, something more...

  • Travelling Peddlers, Begone!: It's not uncommon for Neluhh Roh to travel Thanalan with his fellow Amalj'aa in order to sell their wares. Should you find their caravan, they are always ready to sell for proper prices!

  • Other: If you find something he can link with as a hook, feel free to DM me! I am all ears! (Discord: firepo45)